Anxious Attachment Style


Danielle Page of AskMen explores what anxious attachment style means and how you can deal with it. She consults with attachment based therapists, including myself, on the this particular kind of relationship insecurity.


Being aware of your behavior and how it's impacting your dating life is the first step toward moving toward a much more secure attachment style. If you're currently in a relationship, Indigo Stray Conger, LMFT CST recommends being honest with your partner and making your needs known.

"Discuss your anxiety at a time when you are not immersed in the emotions, which will make it easier for you to articulate yourself instead of trying to find the words when you're feeling overwhelmed," she says. "Talk to your partner when you are not feeling flooded or stressed and explain common triggers for your anxiety and what has helped to alleviate symptoms in the past. This gives your partner a road map to understanding your emotional landscape and allows them to take your anxiety less personally when it does happen."

Now that you understand where these emotions are coming from, taking steps to de-escalate these feelings can be very beneficial.

"Learning to self-soothe and regulate emotions is a powerful tool in becoming more securely attached," says Conger. "Mindfulness practices are a great way to learn to have agency in your emotional response system. As you become more aware of breath, sensations and emotions, you can watch for earlier signs of anxiety and interrupt panic before it becomes overwhelming."

Read the full article at AskMen here.